The Ways2Go team believes it is time for a new - cheaper, greener, flexible, compliant - employee mobility alternative to legacy ICE company car employee benefit. We also believe cars are here to stay - but an alternative is needed.
Ways2Go offers a unique Pan EU solution which consists of Multi-Modal Mobility Wallet alternatives to ICE company cars OR supplement to EV company cars allowing employees to spend their car allowance in Pan EU Public & Shared Private Transport.
60% of the 317m European car park is made of company cars, which contributes to 8% of EU CO2 emissions with a Diesel/Petrol high mileage skewed fleet (therefore disproportionately polluting), which EU tax payers are subsidising to the tune of 32bn Euros/annum. However, this is changing with a) Companies accelerating their Carbon & Costs cutting measures in favour of alternatives more suited to new flexible working arrangements b) Increasing benefit-in-kind taxation on company cars & friendlier mobility wallet taxation spreading across Northern Europe particularly c) EU Cities kicking ICE cars out of city centres (12m by 2025) and introducing softer mobility solutions
Ways2Go offers a unique Pan EU solution which consists of Multi-Modal Mobility Wallet alternatives to ICE company car users OR 'Cash for Car' allowance users allowing employees to spend their car allowance in Pan EU Public & Shared Private Transport from a Multi-Modal App integrated with a Virtual & Physical card loaded with their car allowance. Employees will be able to Search, Book, Pay & Expense their travel allowance (which can range from personal, committing or business travels depending client requirements) across EU-wide best-in-class choice of Train, Buses, Tram, Underground, Micro-Mobility, Taxi, Chauffeur Drive, Ride Hailing, Car Rental, Car Sharing
Since the company car is not going away (though it is decreasing year-on-year for past 3 years across many parts of EU), many employees - in less urban or with less transport options - will not be willing to give up their company car.
With these users in mind, Ways2Go will market a very compelling proposition = EV Company car + Mobility Wallet which is (60% according latest reports) cheaper than ICE Company Car both for employees & employers. With EV adoption rate accelerating significantly across EU (300+ models coming on stream from 2021 and charging network being fast tracked), particularly amongst company car users due to very low if not zero employee taxation, we will market Ways2Go as a supplement to EV company cars, still allowing to potentially spend less for the combined benefit than with a single ICE company car.
We believe the Mobility Wallet will significantly increase EV adoption as it will help address range / use case (e.g when the car isn't the best way to travel anxiety) and effectively offer 2 transport products/services (EV + Mobility Wallet) which will allow employees to travel much further (e.g car fire on holiday in Greece) and offer many more use cases for less budget for employees & employers
Ways2Go Multi-Modal Mobility Wallets offers employers more a) flexible alternative to the typical multi-year leasing lock in company car contract b) cost-friendly alternative by saving TCO's variable components c) carbon-friendly alternative by removing single-occupany cars OR accelerating electrification of company fleets by offering additional Mobility Wallet bundled incentive d) compliant ground transportation with a mobility wallet powered by best-in-class Fintech solution connected to travel policies (making 100% compliant across commuting, personal & business travel) & ERP solutions
Key Ways2Go employee enjoy core App functionalities from Search, Book, Pay, Expenses ground transportation and more specifically a) Multi-Modality of the app showing users quickest, cheapest, greenest way of getting around with major Pan EU Public & Shared Private Transport inventory (inc laser focus on local providers for everyday commuting needs) b) Virtual & Physical card loaded with employee car allowance which he/she can share with their designated beneficiaries and connected to travel policies c) All delivered with a seamless customer-centric experience including responsive customer care d) Significant savings on company car variable costs (inc parking, fuelling, congestion charge, benefit-in-kind tax..) and any existing costs for using public & shared private transport from my personal income.
Ways2Go is the first & only Pan EU end-to-end Multi Modal Mobility Wallet provider.
Most MaaS solutions are either a) B2C focused with questionable revenue models (despite attracting lots of funds !) and have very limited 4-wheels inventory (in part due to their lack of knowledge of the automotive value chain) and certainly no digital wallet capabilities and even less connected to travel policies b) B2G focused with particular attention to cities, rail operators and hence limited 4-wheels inventory and no digital wallet capabilities either. In both cases, their interest (and their valuation) is more linked to data reporting (e.g Intel buying Moovit for $900m for the commuting data they can provide) whereas Ways2Go is entirely focused on the successful transition of ICE company cars to EV with or without Mobility Wallet and its customers satisfaction.
Ways2Go will have a) best-in-class Transport inventory across Public Transport & Micro Mobility and with particular strong focus on 4-wheels operators (to compete with the company car), which can then be customised to B2B customer needs and their employees e.g EV only Chauffeur drive supply in specific cities or negotiated rates for highly used routes with an affordable chauffeur-drive company b) an exclusive partnership with best-in-class Fintech platform, Bankable, which is the only Pan EU provider of Digital Wallets c) Connectivity with Travel policies to ensure Expense Categorisation and allowing users who travel with Ways2Go for commuting, personal, business needs to be compliant (very few employees know the nuances between the 3 types of travel) d) Connectivity with major ERP's to generate VAT recoup & Integrated accounting and prepares key elements of Benefit-in-Kind Tax calculation e) Highly experienced team (who understand both B2B & End user needs in equal amount) with 25+ years of experience with large blue-chip and entrepreneurial businesses - across Mobility, Travel, Automotive, SaaS - and hence able to have meaningful conversations with real impact with key B2B stakeholders different interests, and ensure smooth implementation across all key functions (e.g payroll, fleet, HR, finance, travel, mobility teams..) and not least communicate and convert end users most effectively with the most factual information possible.
We currently have a) 1 large corporate customer signed off for launch starting Q1 2021 in 1 country but with potential to go Pan-EU if pilot goes well b) 1 major leasing company giving us exclusive partnership in 1 country for the EV + Mobility Wallet use case c) Pipeline of 10+ large corporate customers in advanced discussions about Pan EU pilots. This challenge would propel Ways2Go onto an even large stage with potential discussions & RFP's with some of the most respected and forward thinking organisations.