Decentralized communities with full self-sufficiency


About this project

This project deals with self-sufficient communities focusing on the energy: micro-production, distribution, e-storages and enduser experience.

Project wants to find out and use new technologies to improve the preparedness of small entities. At the same time it creates business opportunities for market actors and end-users of energy. Virtual assets and dapps are part of this solution. 

The goal is to provide a pilot-project about the subject. 

There is a project plan written and the roles are included in it.


Last updated
28 May 2023


Our Proposal

Need: which problem(s) does your proposal solve?

This project deals with solution, which can improve carbonneutral future, self-sufficiency, preparedness, duality, decentralization and it includes business cases as well. 

- Microproduction and e-storages helps to achieve the carbon-neutrality --> goal 1.5 celcius 

- (In Finland) we are partly dependent on import of energy --> decentralization gives an opportunity to be self-sufficient and prepared for crisis

- Rural areas are expensive and challenging to take care of as it comes to basic needs of living --> self-sufficiency 

- Use of new technologies (virtual assets, smart contracts) can inspire masses with the possibility to earn a bit extra --> customer satisfaction

- There are lack of certain materials: one community needs less devices compared with 10 households --> less is more productive and more accountable


Approach: how does your project solve the problem(s)?

Project needs partners who are willing to create something new and revolutionary. 

In energy market there are quite solid and centralized actors, which is okay for now.

However the new world order (duality) needs and gives a possibility to something totally different. Still there are room for multiple range of solutions, as far as I can see today. Some roles might be questionable in the future and now is the time to join the changes or fade away. 

Alternatives: what other alternatives could solve the problem(s)?

What comes to alternatives, one can rely on "as-is" -thinking..

First challenge is to get project started, with suitable parties.

The operative problems must be tackled with experts of different parties during the project meetings and during the project. There might be chances to find alternatives, which can not be seen at this point.

The project needs sub-projects pointed out according to the roles.

Benefits: what are the benefits of your proposal?

To the carbon-neutrality, self-sufficiency, decentralization, duality, preparedness, new business models and decent quality in everyday life.

Advantage: what gives your project the competitive edge?

The uniqueness comes from combining the parts in the way it provides the best solution for certain circumstances and environment.

As mentioned the rural areas are also expensive and difficult to take care of with the solutions we have now.

The market for this solution is global.


Prospective Partners: what might you expect from prospective project partners?

Setting up a group of people to evaluate the project together.

To continue with pilot-project, which has enough resources to create a global solution. 

Critical resources to open the case: knowledge, economical and technical resources and desire to connect people in new way to achieve the goal of project.

Timerange: max. two years (must be estimated with the group).

Costs: 500 000 eur