Reducing singleuse packaging thru food delivery platforms

Package heroes research project is looking for solutions to reduce food packaging waste. This challenge is a part of 10days100challenges activity
Owning Partner


Your mission, should you accept it:

Develop concepts and tools that would help to reduce package waste in food delivery platforms.

Examples of food delivery platforms in Finland would be Foodora and Wolt which deliver to any person in their delivery area and then more targeted food delivery services, for example, for pensioners living at home.


Desired outputs from the project teams would be practical, well explained and rationalised concepts to reduce food packaging waste. Any innovative tools would be appreciated.

For the teams that undertake our challenge, we will report your findings throughout our networks that include the food production industry, the packaging industry, ministries, regional development agencies and Finnish funding organisations as well as giving them a prominent place on our media channels.

Who can create a challenge?

  • If you want to publish a challenge on the NokiaPartners - Open communities and get support from the community to solve your problems, you first need to be registered on the platform. Then you need to contact the NokiaPartners - Open communities administrator in the Community section. They will create the challenge for you. Search for “admin” in the Community section, and click on “Nokia Admin” to contact and ask for your challenge to be created.


How do I submit an answer/proposal?

  • To contribute to a challenge, first open the challenge page, and then click on the "start proposal" button on the right-hand-side. A new page will appear with different text fields to fill in and attachments to include. You can also link to an existing project you have previously created on the platform. Once you have finished, click on submit.
  • If you save as draft, your submission will not be completed and will not be submitted to the challenge owner.


What happens once I submit?

  • Once you have submitted your proposal, your ‘Challenge Submission Form’ becomes accessible by the creator or the challenge, who can see and edit your proposal. Through the challenge page, only the owner of the challenge can see the different proposals submitted against his/her challenge. It is up to the challenge owner to inform participants about decisions and potential next steps.
  • To note, when you save a submission as draft, it is not submitted to the challenge owner.


Who can see my proposal?

  • The owner of the challenge, the submission review committee, and the NokiaPartners - Open communities Administrator team are the only ones who can see your proposed ideas and solutions to the challenge.


What happens if my proposal is successful?

  • For each challenge, submission review and selection process is different and the responsibility of the challenge owner. If your project is selected, the owner of the challenge will come back to you with further guidance on the next steps.


What happens if it is unsuccessful?

  • For each challenge, submission review and selection process is different and the responsibility of the challenge owner. If your project is not shortlisted, the owner of the challenge will inform you using the messaging features of NokiaPartners - Open communities. Your proposed ideas will then be removed/deleted from challenge submissions.