9-1-1, is an North American emergency telephone number intended for use in emergency circumstances.
Overtime, these services were evolving from old legacy systems into a full modern IP communications platform.
Next Generation 9-1-1 (known as NG9-1-1) is an initiative to replace old legacy systems and update the 9-1-1 service infrastructure in United States, improving the public emergency communications services, addressing new possibilities and scenarios such as:
In an emergency situation, the individual (s) not only will be able to call 9-1-1 from a phone, but also should be able to broadcast text, video, images (data) to 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP).
Nokia is looking for qualified partners that can deliver specified NG 9-1-1 Core Services capabilities. These capabilities, combined with Nokia solutions, will lead to E2E complex solutions ultimately to support the current and future goals of NG9-1-1 functionalities, to be presented to public institutions.
Candidates should propose their approach to cover the base set of services needed to process a 9-1-1 call on an Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet), which includes Next Generation Core Services (NGCS) with the following scope:
- Emergency Service Routing Proxy (ESRP)
- Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF)
- Location Validation Function (LVF)
- Border Control Function (BCF)
During the transitional phase, additionally will be required:
- Legacy Network Gateway
- Legacy PSAP Gateway
- Legacy IP Selective Router Gateway
Do you have the right solution? Don’t wait and submit your proposal today!
Information about Response Form
The candidates must:
• Carefully read the entire challenge
• Contact the challenge owner if clarification is necessary.
• Describe in a clear way the proposed solutions to address all required services, complete to the best of the candidate’s ability, by the required dates.
• Include necessary documentation to support the proposal
• Candidates can propose new ideas for beyond NG9-1-1
• Candidates should make proof provide references of capabilities and actual deployments of these services