On the way to the 5G networks rollout, operators must formulate their strategy wisely. Beside their commercial strategy when they are modelling new business cases and new commercial services they must focus on their technology and maintenance strategy. One critical factor is Time-to-market. Operators must know how to implement their new foundational services into commercial operation in the shortest timeframe and as a pre-requisite of it how to roll-out 5G core in quick and reliable way. Other very important aspect is to reduce complexity as much as possible by avoiding overhead integration for example on a complex multivendor core platform. Similarly, important aspect of planning is staying up to date with new 5G core. Software upgrade path must be smooth, timely ensuring that software upgrade packages deployed in shortest time in a predictable way. Nokia as a vendor must ease operator’s though planning work. It is a must to de-risk and accelerate deployment and integration process plus ensure predictable life-cycle management.
To know more about how Nokia is dealing with these questions please read the blog about Core Engineered Systems and follow the link:
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