NokiaPartners -
Open communities
Let’s collaborate
NokiaPartners - Open communities brings together the most ambitious companies and bright individuals, helps them innovate and grow their businesses bigger, better and faster.

Service management and orchestration (SMO) – rApps

Nokia’s SMO solution is a cutting-edge, open, interoperable platform based on a cloud-native architecture aligned with the 3GPP framework. Our SMO platform has openness in its DNA to enable the delivery of innovative use-cases leveraging a rich dataset over multi-vendor, multi-domain networks with a clear focus on autonomous operations. This marketplace offers off-shelf use cases (rApps) to drive innovation and to enable collaboration with a wide developer ecosystem.

Digital Infrastructure Group Community

Nokia’s DIG Community was created to bring together and enable infrastructure companies (TowerCos, Data center Cos, wholesale fiberCos…), partners and Nokia experts to interact, share experience, test out ideas, discuss challenges and opportunities in the infrastructure economy to reinvent the telecom landscape.

Nokia Core Networks User Community


Nokia 5G Core frees the innovation within your network, so you can automate, customize and monetize your services with total confidence.


The API exposure in 5G


In the 5G new API ecosystem operators look at their network as a platform opening it to application developers. API exposure is fundamental to 5G as it is built into the architecture natively where applications can talk back to the network, command the network to provide better experience in applications.

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For open collaboration to be enabled, it requires a platform where information can be shared and messages can be exchanged knowing that, in the background, the information and ideas are protected.

Marco Barulli, CEO Bernstein


I appreciate to have such a platform to easily engage with the ecosystem, to introduce new challenges to the community and get a quick feedback, and using it for opportunities to go to market as well.

Matthias Jablonowski, Nokia Global Practice Lead – Transportation Sales